Among other things

Category: Short Stories (Page 1 of 2)

These are some of the short stories I’ve written. Thanks for reading!

James Cameron’s Terminator

In honor of the fact that Avatar 2 is finally, actually going to release this year, here’s a satirical short story I wrote in 2017, back when we thought the idea of all those long-delayed Avatar sequels was a total joke.

Estimated reading time: 12 minutes. (~3,000 words)

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Justice Never Dies

Justice Ambrose Erkens, lying in his bed in the George Washington Memorial Hospital, struggled to keep his eyes open. The doctor was in the hallway, talking to Ambrose’s daughter Julia and her husband Lucas. Ambrose wished he could hear them. Their soft voices were barely audible over the beeps and hums of the various monitors in the room. Something the doctor said caused Julia to cover her mouth with her hand, eyes widening in—shock? Fear? Lucas took her in for a comforting embrace just as tears started to form in her eyes.

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The university library was abuzz with activity—as far as any library could ever be said to be abuzz. As always, silence permeated the halls, punctuated by small scattered groups of students talking in hushed tones. The colossal collection of professional publications, educational encyclopedias, and other miscellaneous tomes was ignored by the student body at large. Instead, the library was the prime hotspot for students seeking solitude to work on independent projects, along with groups looking for a neutral ground on which to collaborate.

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The Price is Right There

Cheers and applause swept the massive audience. A camera hanging from the ceiling panned over them, showcasing their delight. A man’s voice boomed over speakers. “Here it comes, from the Bob Barker Studio at CBS in Hollywood, it’s The Price is Right There!” The cheering intensified.

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Running – Chapter 5

Monday, 3:47 AM

I should probably tell you why I started this journal. To be honest, it’s not something I would normally be doing. I’m just not a journal kind of guy. But if there was ever a time in my life when I should do such a thing, that time is now. If you’re reading this, then you already know everything I’ve done, everything I’ve been going through. I don’t need to tell you all of that again. But what I do need to tell you is why.

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Running – Chapter 4

Monday, 7:20 PM

When I woke up this morning, it all finally hit me. Everything that didn’t affect me yesterday hit me today at full force. All the terror, all the anger, all the fear, the guilt, the sadness—every single emotion I had been trying to repress came to the surface, stronger than ever before. I can’t imagine it being possible to feel worse than I do right now. This… This is raw suffering. Undiluted, pure. There is nothing to hold it back anymore. I feel no reason to hold it back. Maybe if I just let it run its course it will stop sooner rather than later. It’s not like I have anything left to lose at this point.

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Running – Chapter 3

Wednesday, 8:32 PM

It’s been a little over a week since the last time I wrote anything in this. In that time, nothing happened. Just about everything went back to the way it was before all of this started. For a while I didn’t even feel safe in my own home, but I managed to get over it. Once I got over the nervousness, the anticipation, the fear, I almost started enjoying life again. Almost. It’ll probably take me far longer to get over this depression. Possibly more time than I have. But I can live with that. I have to live with that. No regrets.

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Running – Chapter 2

Thursday, 9:10 AM

They’re going to know it was me. As soon as they find out it happened, they’ll know I was responsible. I’ll be the top suspect. They’ll think they know why I did it, and it won’t matter. They’ll come after me no matter what. I need to get away from here before that happens. It’s my only chance.

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