The Porydex development wildfire continues! This month was one of those rare times that saw an almost perfect balance between features that other people have actually asked for and will appreciate, versus niche features I added mainly for myself for fun. Let’s jump right into October’s hefty updates list.
New data! EV Yields, Egg Groups, and more

A commenter on the August 2024 Update blog post requested this feature, and I’ve been eager to get it online ever since. It’s finally here! Previously, all the “list of Pokémon” dex pages only included each Pokémon’s base stats. Now, the base stat data is but one of three data tabs—the others being Breeding (with Egg Groups, Gender Ratio, Egg Cycles, and Steps to Hatch) and EV Yields.
I don’t think I want to add any more data to the “list of Pokémon” pages; this is already probably too much for most people. (Weaklings, all of you! Bask in the power of the almighty 𝚂𝙿𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳𝚂𝙷𝙴𝙴𝚃.) But EV yields and breeding-related data? Those I could see a use case for someone needing to see en masse.
New pages! Egg Groups

And now that I’ve finally exposed the egg group data I’ve had all along, it was time for me to add “list of Pokémon” pages for the egg groups. And also a “list of egg groups” page, but that one’s a lot more boring.
(I briefly considered setting up the dex/egg-groups page like the dex/abilities page and have each egg group include an icon list of Pokémon in that egg group, but… There’s too many dang Pokémon in every single egg group. It would be a mess. I’m open to suggestions, if anyone has any better ideas for what to do with the page!)
New data on the dex/pokemon page!

Fulfilling the EV yields request allowed me to move a lot of other data around internally, which also made it possible for me to finally add all of this other weird stuff to the website. Base experience! Catch rates! Base friendship! Experience growth rates! And all the breeding details and EV yields from the other pages, of course.
New page! TMs/TRs/HMs

It’s a cross between the dex/items page and the dex/moves page, available for all games that have TMs in them. (Which at this point is all of them except Legends: Arceus, I think.) This was also a request that I was happy to add to the overall suite.
New feature! Bookmarkable type charts on the Types page

So, I’ve had the type toggling on the dex/types page for a few years now. It’s a neat little feature that I don’t need to use too often, but it’s pretty handy when the moment is right. For instance, earlier this month.
I’m currently participating in a draft league, and one of my opponents drafted a monotype team. Factoring in the dual types, that’s only 7 defending types I’d need to worry about team building for—a perfect use case for my type chart toggles! I set up the toggled chart, spent a few minutes teambuilding… and then later in the day, had to set up the toggled chart again, and again. “Man, it sure would be nice if I could bookmark the toggled chart… Oh wait!”
And so I added it. Monotype teambuilders, have fun!
New page! Stat calculator

Rounding out the IV/EV Calculator suite is now the plain ol’ Stat Calculator! Available for every generation, every game, including the side games with different stat formulas, like Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee and Legends Arceus.
There’s really not much of a point to this page other than “for thematic completion, I guess?” But it’s fun to see how absurd the stats can get in Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee.
New feature! More accurate EV spread stats
On the stats/pokemon pages, the calculated stats of EV spreads will now assume a 0 IV instead of 31 for Attack or Speed if the stat has 0 EVs and a negative nature. Technically this is more accurate now, sometimes, in theory.
And that’s it for October! The next few months may end up being light in terms of Porydex development; the next handful of features I want to add are all pretty big. (An advanced Pokémon search page where you can search by ability + type + resistances + up to 4 moves + probably some other things as well. An advanced move search page where you can search by type, category, what can learn it, which flags the move has or not, and so on. Also, just for fun, a catch rate calculator.)
As always, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the site.
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